
About me

I am a freelance data analyst with a PhD in Mathematics and Statistics and experience as a machine learning engineer. If you would like to get in touch, my email is ifan.johnston (at) gmail (.com) , or on LinkedIn:

Ifan Johnston

I also blog about Nautral Language Processing and Machine Learning in Python over at


This app shows the number of cases of COVID-19 in each local authority for a number of countries, projecting onto mapping data of those countries. Other population data are also projected onto the same maps in order to try and find some relevant factors. The app can be found here.


This app shows the day by day evolution of the number of cases (per 100k population) in each local authority in Wales as reported by Public Health Wales, since the start of the pandemic. More countries will be added soon.


This app (found here) is a game of sorts, where a map of a country is given along with the boundaries of the local authorities. You need to guess which country is shown. A height map of the country is also shown, and the captial city of the country is shown - bonus points for correctly guessing the city.

Laplace method

Here I discuss some of the main ideas behind a (mathematically technical) method of investigating the asymptotic behaviour of Laplace-type integrals, which I made regular use of during the course of my PhD thesis.